The Dangers of Not Cleaning Your Air Ducts

If you're not taking the necessary steps to keep your air ducts clean, you could be putting yourself and your family in danger. Not only can it lead to decreased airflow, but it can also cause an oxidation effect on the heat exchanger, increasing the risk of fire. The most common issue associated with leaving air ducts untreated is mold. This is especially true if water enters the vents or condensation is allowed to accumulate.

When moisture remains in the air ducts, it can create mold and mildew over time. This buildup of dust and dirt will also reduce the amount of airflow in your home, as the boiler and air conditioner cannot work properly. If you have a lot of dust around your vents, there's a good chance you have a real problem with your air ducts. If you attempt to clean the air ducts yourself, you could accidentally damage the ducts and air conditioning units, or even your own skin. It's best to hire accredited technicians to do the job for you.

Before you get to that point, make sure you have an air duct cleaning service check the ducts in your home and remove unwanted dust particles. Because these hazardous particles are in your air ducts, that means they're also in the same air that you and your loved ones are breathing. If you haven't been out very often and you discover a rash on your skin, it could be caused by a dirty duct that requires an air duct cleaning service to clean it. Cleaning them also helps prevent dirt from entering the rest of the house through vents and heating coils. If you detect water contamination in your heating and air conditioning system, you'll need to clean your air ducts as soon as possible. Not cleaning (or hiring someone to clean) your air ducts can end up hurting you in the long run.

At best, you'll discover that the smell has another explanation, and you'll have peace of mind knowing that there's no mold in the air ducts. Dark, damp, debris-filled air ducts are also the perfect environment for invading creatures, such as cockroaches, crickets, rats, and mice, to live. This is why it's so important to keep up with regular air duct cleaning. As long as you maintain social distancing, clean your hands regularly, and follow the recommendations of the CDC, you shouldn't have to worry about contracting any virus in your home as long as you have an accredited air duct cleaning service to clean the ducts. Neglecting to clean your air ducts can have serious consequences for both your health and safety. Not only can it lead to decreased airflow and an increased risk of fire due to oxidation on the heat exchanger, but it can also cause mold growth due to moisture accumulation.

Additionally, dirty air ducts can be a breeding ground for pests like cockroaches, crickets, rats, and mice. To avoid these risks and ensure that your home is safe and healthy for everyone living there, make sure to hire an accredited technician for regular air duct cleaning.

Rodger Bladen
Rodger Bladen

Friendly pop culture trailblazer. Total food buff. Total pizza guru. Incurable travel ninja. Total web junkie.