Can Duct Cleaning Help with Allergies or Respiratory Issues?

Many things within your indoor environment can trigger asthma and allergy symptoms. Cleaning your air ducts can improve indoor air quality by reducing the amount of airborne contaminants circulating in your home. Air ducts usually collect and distribute allergens throughout the house. The American Asthma and Allergy Foundation defines an allergic reaction as the release of antibodies by the immune system to combat anything it considers a threat.

An allergy attack can include a rash, itchy eyes, runny nose, or sneezing. Before a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system can push hot or cold air throughout the house, it draws unfiltered air that may contain contaminants. If you blow on a dirty shelf, the dust spreads through the air and covers your throat and sinus passages as it spreads. Keeping your home clean is very important, but these allergens build up in your ductwork over time.

Regular duct cleaning can reduce allergens in your home that are known to cause asthma attacks, sinusitis, and other respiratory problems. The air ducts in your home are designed to circulate air throughout the house and are used to both heat and cool your home. Therefore, cleaning the air ducts eliminates any possible allergens from the ducts. First, consider how long you've been suffering from allergies.

If you have only been dealing with them for a short period, cleaning the air ducts is unlikely to help you. This is because the cause of allergies is probably something else, such as pollen or dust. However, if you've been dealing with allergies for a long time, they're more likely to be caused by something in your air ducts. In this case, cleaning the air ducts can help remove allergens from your home and improve symptoms.

When winter ends, allergen production skyrockets and mold, pollen, and other allergens reach your home. Asthma and allergy symptoms worsen, and antihistamines and eye drops aren't always enough to keep them at bay. You can combat the symptoms at their source by reducing the allergen and pollen count in your home with professional air duct cleaning. Unique Air Duct Cleaning in Livonia offers air duct cleaning and dryer vent cleaning services with the utmost care and respect for your home.

He cleans and cleans residential and commercial air ducts in North Carolina and works in cities such as Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Columbia, Greenville, Raleigh, Asheville, Wilmington and Greensboro. Cleaning your air ducts regularly helps remove any contributing contaminants, so your home or business smells as fresh and clean as possible. To understand how air ducts influence allergy symptoms, think of ducts as dusty furniture. And if your allergies are severe enough, you might be considering cleaning your air ducts as a way to help improve your symptoms.

There are a few things you can do to help determine whether or not cleaning your air ducts will help with your allergies. Professional duct cleaning improves air quality by eliminating common allergens, as well as viruses and bacteria. If you only have mild allergy symptoms, such as a runny nose or itchy eyes, cleaning your air ducts isn't likely to make a big difference. However, if you have recently moved to a new home or renovated it, cleaning the air ducts can help to eliminate any allergens left over during the construction process.

We use the most advanced equipment available which exceeds industry standards and leaves your home's air ducts thoroughly cleaned at every angle in a single pass. Even if you keep your house as clean as a whistle, you'll most likely be among that 90%, so if you want to reduce allergy symptoms professional air duct cleaning is a great way to do it. If your doctor thinks that dust mites are causing your allergies he or she may recommend that you clean your air ducts.

Rodger Bladen
Rodger Bladen

Friendly pop culture trailblazer. Total food buff. Total pizza guru. Incurable travel ninja. Total web junkie.